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We hope we can inspire you to try something new, or keep up a great habit with us.

Hip Hop Class


THERE is a healthy choice of classes for all ages, including hip hopcontemporary and dance fitness. we have classes for both recreational and emerging dancers. Simply see our time table and choose your favourite. if you are not sure which class to chose come and have a free try.



Our versatile studio spaces makes for an ideal venue for your party event. Options include dance or craft parties for children's birthdays or hire the space out to run your own private function. You could also book a themed party for any occasion.Please contact us for further details.



Do you have a team of staff who deserve a reward, or maybe need to work on team building? You may be a primary school teacher in need of updating your dance knowledge and experience to provide high quality PE lesson to your students. We can offer Bespoke packages for most requirements. feel free to get in touch for more information.



A great chance to catch up with family and friends with our CRAFTEA weekend events every last Sunday of the month. Many other arts and craft events take place throughout the year.

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